If you’re looking for an advanced technology that solves the challenges of treating high-solids water without the hassles of constant maintenance, filter changes and backwashes, you’ve come to the right place. TEQUATIC™ PLUS Filters are a true breakthrough in cross-flow filtration that take tough jobs in stride. They treat water containing total suspended solids (TSS) up to 10,000 mg/L and greater with a much higher water recovery and lower cost than traditional filters like bags, cartridges, media and automatic self-cleaning filters.
TEQUATIC™ PLUS Filters can be purchased in modular skid-mounted units or as filter housings. The following three products are available:
Modular Skids
TEQUATIC™ PLUS Filter skids are designed for fast “out of the box” installation and startup, and easy serviceability. Their scalable configuration allows each skid to connect in parallel to a common feed manifold to meet required flows. An innovative control system runs, monitors and logs essential parameters, and enables remote monitoring. In addition, a touch screen interface allows for customization of timers and set points to any industrial setting. For specifics, see: